Lon Las Cymru 2017

Preamble (a copy of my on-the-train-there facebook post so spare yourself the time if you've read it already!) In the back of my mind there is a room. There was a lock on the door for a while but it broke and I never got round to replacing it. I keep all sorts of things in there, and during some long races I get chance to go in and have a rummage around. I occasionally tidy up in there but not that often. In the room there is a shelf, its a bit wonky as I put it up myself on a previous attempt to tidy up, and on the shelf lives a metal tin (battered old style metal tea caddy if you a re interested). That's where I keep my silliest ideas. The ideas get restless and the tin jumps around on the shelf quiet a lot, and occasionally falls off letting them loose. Last time this happened I signed up for the Lon Las Ultra. It's long, its road, its just over 20 days after King Offa's Dyke, its Wales. There were many reasons not to be interested, but it clawed...