Hardmoors 200, 2019

Hardmoors 200 May 2019 This was going to be a mountain to climb. A true challenge of determination and resilience. A daunting task not for the faint hearted. The 13 Sisters stood before me, each new one towering above the last and from my viewpoint on the floor they somehow looked malevolent. Like they knew. At seven inches tall each they may only have represented two hundredths of a percent of what I’d already climbed since the race started, but the final steps upstairs to bed could be the death of me. How the hell did I get in this state? Let’s rewind. Jon Steele (who doesn’t let the fact that he is neither the looks nor the brains of the Hardmoors Race Series Race Director team stop him) is a man who worries. He worries that people aren’t getting their money’s worth out of races. He worries that they may lack motivation sometimes as they approach a checkpoint and need words of encouragement. He worries that people may latch on to some of the many syno...